♥ 10.04.2011

Enroute to boxhill because i was craving for freshly baked buns from my favourite asian bakery, Carrington Bakery. Very heavy rain; in short, weather was HORRID! The bf was however very obliging to my request... Thanks dear, !


ochikeron said...

Hi mica ;)

You made many many post last night (in Japan time. hehe)!!!

I totally understand you and how nice your bf!!! I hope you enjoyed!!!

mica said...

hi ochi!

haha yupps i did update alot yesterday cos i've been lazing around way too much! >_<

hope all's well for you dear:)


Jenia said...

Beautiful picture! I love rain so much...
Haha your blogging is like tsunami! Quiet for a while, then WHOA - my dashboard is flooded haha
But I love your blog so I am happy to see so many posts from you!
So far I didnt cook anything of yours but soon I will :3

mica said...

hi jenia! i love rain only when im staying in, lazing on bed, and just relaxing. rain isnt that loveable when i've to run errands ;)

haha i realized i've been bulk updating, blame it on my laziness! i keep telling myself i've got to stop procrastinating n update, but the lazy me always win the battle >_< i'll try to be more regular in my updates...

thanks for the blog love dear, i'm glad u enjoy visiting my humble little blog:)
